A collection of mostly borrowed ideas to help us celebrate, grow, inspire, and nurture.
Also see symbols that bridge Xmas and Mossmas.
- Create a steamy pinecone
- Swedish snow lanterns and fire logs / torches
- Friluftsliv
- Create rock art in nature for people to discover
- Go into the woods to find a mosstache from fallen lichen
(Often) Indoors
- Mossmas Sprig
- Gradvent calendar (gratitude advent)
- List all the 'shoulds' you don't need in your life
- Get rid of one thing each day in December
- A solstice or year-end burning bowl ritual
Ethical gifting
Taking giver, receiver, and nature into consideration.
- Presence
- Teach a skill or something recently learned
- Poems, performances, songs, and playlists
- Donate to environmental organizations, e.g.
- Food creations + consumables
- Books, used if possible, e.g.
- Massages
- Art creations
- Experiences